How to Save Money at the Vet: Affordable, Preventative, Quality Vet Care

We know you care about your pet. You want to provide the best care possible to keep them healthy and happy! But let’s be honest, a trip to your vet can be expensive. Sometimes vet costs even prohibit pet owners from seeking routine, preventative vet care. We don’t believe vet care should be this way. That’s why our team of experts has pulled together this guide on how to save money at the vet through affordable, preventative vet care options. 

In this blog, we will answer:

  • How do you choose the right vet?
  • Is pet insurance worth it?
  • Is affordable vet care still high-quality?

How Do You Choose the Right Vet?

Choosing the right vet for your pet can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing what kinds of vets are in your area is a great place to start when you’re making health decisions for your pet. Ultimately, you’ll want to pick a veterinarian that’s reputable, provides quality care, thinks about your pet’s comfort and safety, and is convenient and affordable for you.

how to save money at the vet
Full-service vet clinics and animal hospitals can perform surgeries and advanced procedures.

Mobile Vet Care

Mobile vet care has grown in popularity over the last couple of years. As more and more pet owners look for convenient vet care, they turn to mobile options. However, mobile doesn’t always mean more convenient.

Many mobile vet businesses use the same model as a food truck. They don’t necessarily come to where you are, and they don’t stay in one place. Mobile vets may have a series of different locations or businesses where they set up for the day. Typically this will be reflected in an online schedule. But if you need to take your pet to the vet right away, depending on their schedule, it could be weeks before they’re in a location close to you.

Full-Service Vet Clinics

The most common type of veterinarian in your community will be a full-service vet clinic. These clinics often provide services above and beyond basic preventative care, including procedures such as dentals and spay or neuter surgeries. 

Most full-service vet clinics require appointments ahead of your visit. With limited staff and full appointment schedules, you could be waiting a couple of weeks before your pet can be seen. Some clinics will offer specific walk-in hours on a certain day of the week, but this varies clinic-to-clinic and can be rare.

Animal Hospital

If you think an animal hospital sounds serious, you would be right. Animal hospitals aren’t the place when you’re looking for preventative care like physical exams or rabies vaccinations. An animal hospital is where you’ll go when your pet has a medical emergency or needs specialized care or treatment. 

At PetWellClinic, we work with your local animal hospitals and full-service vet clinics to refer pets who need care beyond what our team can provide. We’ll be up front with you if we think your pet needs diagnostics or services outside of our offerings, and make sure you get connected with the right veterinarian to provide that care.

How to Save Money at the Vet: Walk In Vet Care. Same Day Visit. No Appointment Necessary.

The past couple of years, if you’re a pet parent who has tried to book an appointment with a veterinarian, you understand the struggle. A lot of clinics are running on a delayed schedule, still trying to catch up from the gap that occurred during COVID-19 when they were closed, and the increase in pet ownership that happened for the same reason.

Did you know you can go to the vet without an appointment? PetWellClinic’s business model is intentionally built to make your life easier. There are no appointments. You simply walk in with your pet for a same day visit. With our extended hours, our team is open and available to pet owners after they get off work and on the weekends.

Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

If you’re looking for vet visits to cost less, you may have researched pet insurance, how it works, and if it’s worth it. Pet insurance can be a good option in some situations. If you’re adopting a younger pet that has no pre-existing health conditions, pet insurance can help cover basic care or major incidents in your pet’s future. But if your pet is older, or has a known condition, pet insurance is most likely not an option for you.

Before you dive right into pet insurance, do your research about the company’s policies and understand what it will and won’t cover. You’ll also want to understand clearly how much it costs, and compare it to what you spend on vet care. You should also talk to a representative about what pet insurance plans they offer and if it applies to your pet. 

If you find out pet insurance isn’t an option for you, don’t dispair! There are still plenty of ways for vet care to be affordable without pet insurance.

How Does PetWellClinic Offer Affordable and High Quality Vet Care?

PetWellClinic was started with the concept of a minute clinic for pets in mind. Our founder and CEO, Sam Meisler, DVM, was motivated to provide a quick, convenient, and affordable option for pet owners. But how can PetWellClinic charge what they do and still provide high-quality preventative care and medicine? There are a few reasons why, and it’s all in how we built our business model:

  1. No Overhead Surgical Costs

Without the overhead costs of surgical equipment and overnight boarding facilities, PetWellClinic is able to offer lower prices for routine veterinary services such as vaccinations and wellness exams without compromising quality of care.

  1. No Phones Tying Up Staff

A veterinarian’s waiting room is like any other medical practice—busy. Patients, or in our case pets with their owners, are coming and going on a walk-in basis at our three locations in Knoxville and Alcoa. Phone calls can quickly become distracting when they take time and attention away from clients already in the clinic. We’ve found that our veterinarians and veterinary assistants can serve clients even more promptly and professionally without interruptions.

Discover more about saving money on your pet’s care with PetWellClinic in our free downloadable ebook!

What to Expect From Affordable Vet Care

Affordable vet care doesn’t have to equal low-quality care. When you choose affordable veterinary services at PetWellClinic, you can rest assured knowing that our team of experts uses the highest quality medicine and vaccinations available. Our team is also trained to keep your pet’s comfort in mind through their entire visit.

affordable preventative veterinary care
PetWellClinic offers the affordable, preventative care you want for your pet.

PetWellClinic can provide all the preventative care your pet needs to live a healthy and happy life. We have a variety of wellness packages for dogs and cats, and à la carte services to make your life easier. When you and your pet visit, you get to stay with them the entire time our team is providing care. We don’t take them behind closed doors, and we include you in any decisions or recommendations we make for your pet’s health.

Read our recent blog on what to expect during your pet’s first visit to the vet!

Find Your Local PetWellClinic

PetWellClinic is in the process of growing and expanding across America. With clinic locations open or upcoming in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, our teams are here to help pet owners discover the best option for preventative veterinary care.

walk-in veterinary care
PetWellClinic is America’s choice for walk-in veterinary care. Find your location today!

Find your local PetWellClinic today!

PetWellClinic is dedicated to being here for pet owners. Our hours of operation extend into the evenings and weekends, and our clinic environment is built with your pet’s comfort in mind. Find your local PetWellClinic and discuss preventative care options for your pet with our team today! We’re here, ready to discuss care options to help your pet feel their healthiest and happiest. 

PetWellClinic provides convenient, affordable veterinary care for pet owners. PetWellClinic has locations and services built with convenience in mind. Stop by with your pet any time! No appointment necessary.