Worried About News Of The Parvovirus? Here’s What To Know.

dog-1912874_960_720Many dog owners in the Greater Knoxville and Alcoa areas are concerned about reports of the rise of parvovirus in our area. Several East Tennessee veterinary hospitals and clinics have reported a spike in canine parvovirus over the past few months, and eight dogs at Young-Williams Animal Center had to be euthanized because of the disease last month.

It’s wise to be aware, as parvovirus in dogs is a serious and potentially deadly disease that is highly contagious and also extremely resistant. Dr. Sam Meisler, founder of PetWellClinic® says, “Parvovirus is such a strong virus that it can last in the environment for years and can be found in the neighborhood, backyards, and even on the shoe soles of pet owners.”

Symptoms often include severe vomiting and diarrhea, often bloody, and dangerous dehydration. The loss of electrolytes from the dehydration can lead to irregular heartbeat, seizures, or cardiac arrest.

Vaccination is the best defense against parvovirus, so make sure your dog is up to date on his or her vaccinations. “It is better to vaccinate for parvovirus than to not,” says Dr. Meisler. “The vaccine is very effective, and extremely affordable.”

The treatment for parvovirus, however, is not so affordable, and not always effective. Most dogs can survive if it’s caught early and treated aggressively with fluid therapy and medications, but the process is lengthy and expensive.

Keeping your beloved pets healthy and protected from viruses and parasites is our mission at PetWellClinic®. By operating convenient hours for non-surgical care, PetWellClinic® is able to offer substantially discounted prices for vaccinations, wellness exams, and treatment of minor issues such as skin or ear conditions. We also offer low-cost parasite preventative products, and discounted prices on high-quality pet food brands at Knoxville Pet Food Company.

We provide quick in-and-out service during convenient evening and weekend hours with no appointment necessary — think of us as a walk-in clinic for your pets. PetWellClinic® has three locations: 10549 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922; 7329 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919; and 228 S. Calderwood Street, Alcoa, TN 37701. Learn more about how PetWellClinic® can exceed your expectations for affordable, top quality pet care by visiting our website at www.petwellclinic.com.